Apr 11, 2023
Show Alert!
Hi! Thanks for checking out my website! I've been trying to keep it up-do-date with all the latest work and info. Here are some places to...
Dec 30, 2022
Almost 2023
Woah. It's been a minute. I keep telling myself to update my website. I've been so distracted. Maybe you have been, too. It's been a...
Jan 8, 2021
these uncertain times
Hey there! So... It's been a minute. What a wild time to be alive, amiright? Also, quite thankful to BE alive. Which got me thinking......
Sep 29, 2014
Lake Painting
Today I decided to pack up the car and go paint. I tried not to think too hard about it. I grabbed the essentials, packed some water and...
Sep 16, 2014
Finding Time to Paint
Man, it has been a while. I have been extra busy with work. Which is great! But the downside is being so exhausted that I'm not able to...
Jul 21, 2014
My friend is visiting me today with her baby. Very excited. We plan on having lots of good lake time, and that, hopefully, will also be...
Jul 18, 2014
Stick to It
I went outside to paint again this morning. What a beautiful day in the Ozarks! I am so thankful to live here. It is hard to believe it...
Jul 17, 2014
Morning Light and the Challenge of a Blank Canvas
I've been trying to keep a steady sleep schedule and have been waking up at 7am every day. I haven't done this since I was in high...