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Show Alert!

Hi! Thanks for checking out my website! I've been trying to keep it up-do-date with all the latest work and info. Here are some places to see my work in real life!

The folks at Likewise have kindly let me display some work on their walls. Check it out if you are in Fayetteville, AR! (It's also a really cool venue space, they've been doing some fun events. Follow them on Instagram for more info!)

On May 6th, I'll have work in the Ammplify Festival. It has been an exciting experience to work with my mentor, Linda Lopez! She is curating the exhibit of my work and others in a space located on Mount Sequoyah in Fayetteville, AR. There will be activities and performances all day.

In June, I'll be showing work at 21c Museum Hotel in Bentonville, AR. Super stoked to show all my recent tree paintings in one spot! They'll be located in the lobby area next to the restaurant, The Hive. There will also be some paintings hanging behind the Chef's Table. Grab a bite, explore the artwork. They have a rotating show of artists spread throughout the hotel. It's not far from Crystal Bridges! Make it part of your activities if you're in the area!

In other news, I'm excited to start gardening again. And being outside. Working in the studio through the winter has been good, but I'm ready to be outside with the birds and squirrels again! Ok. Take care!

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