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these uncertain times

Hey there! So... It's been a minute.

What a wild time to be alive, amiright?

Also, quite thankful to BE alive.

Which got me thinking... life is too short to waste being miserable. Why not be happy?

2020 brought about a lot of changes for me:

-I took some steps to address and nurture my mental health

-I quit my job

-I decided I'd rather be happy than miserable and working 50+ hour weeks in an industry that cares little for the ones that keep it going

So, yeah. Things are pretty weird on so many levels, but I'm happy to say that I am healthier and happier than I've been in over a decade. It's good to remember to take care of yourself.

I've been trying to finish some sketchbooks. Almost finished with two that I started in March of 2020. Wow. March of 2020. It feels like a lifetime ago and like yesterday all at once...

Thought this might be a good spot to post some sketches and links to things I'm thinking about.

Check on my Instagram page for super current works in progress in stories and timeline here.

Hoping for a really good 2021! Trying to be positive.

Thank god for prozac.

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