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Almost 2023


It's been a minute. I keep telling myself to update my website. I've been so distracted. Maybe you have been, too. It's been a weird couple of years.

Ok. So the plan is to update. Often. And be more disciplined. At everything: my practice, my work, my schedule. The life of an artist is one that I chose, and I am all the more satisfied for being able to say this with confidence. Finally. At 45.

This podcast has been such an eye-opener:

I love Antrese Wood so much, she has become such a life coach for me this past year. I totally recommend a listen for any type of creator. I think I may join the Growth Studio this year. And other classes... thinking about taking some online sessions and maybe some here. Perhaps your community offers something similar?

What do you listen to when you work? My go-to lately is FIP Radio out of France. It has saved me in the studio many times this past year... Do you ever have trouble figuring out what you want to listen to while you work? And then you spend a bunch of time getting sidetracked with that task? Ugh, me too. Fip is great. Just push play. Let the French dj do the work, and it is always good. I've discovered so many new/old artists! It's so great!

If you're still reading, thanks for your interest in me! Here are some new pieces that I'm working on. They are all oil on panel, 2' x 4'. I hope that I'll be able to show them somewhere soon. I think they need to be in a room together, talking to eachother. They are inspired by walks in the Ozark woods.

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